Tuesday 25 June 2013

Skyrim questions tag

Hey, I've decided to make a questions tag. SKYRIM questions tag. 
1 What was your first character and why.
A breton. Because I didnt know that this game was going to be so epic mind you, I only played it once back then (2011). So I chose it because of the human-like features.

2. What was your character's features and name. (Face re-make or non)
Kim, I didnt know of all the medieval names either so I chose Kim, pretty bad huh? She was the thinnest weight, She had red hair and that long hair the the plait thingys I kept her with that until I saw a guy wearing it. So therefore I got a face remake and now im pale, black hair, warrior scar. Kinda like a bad snow white.

3. Do you have kids, who and why.
I have two. Hroar from the orphanage and Lucia. Hroar because he's a lil cutie, Lucia because I saw her begging. But now I wish mods existed on xbox.

4. What is your most favorite weapon?
Dawnbreaker or a shiv. 

5. Imperial or stormcloak.
Stormcloak. The outfits are just so amazing. 

5. Thieves guild or dark brotherhood?
Dark Brotherhood, only because of the 20k coin.

6.Shameful collections?
Books. The ones that are like 2290 Frostfall 7F. 
Ingredients. SKOOMA :P, mead, wine. Yeah.. I have to get through the night haha.

7. Favourite house?
Orc PLEASE! (see what I did there). I build mah houses :) Nah um, probably Vindrel Hall in Markarth.

8.Favorite Food, Clothing, Person, Kid, Race, Hobby.
Vegetables (Imma be a healthy), Jesters clothes/novice hood, Astrid and Naziir , Aventus Arenteno, Orc, Hunting, (Family stuff).

9. Vampire or Dawnguard.
Vampire, they have so many advantages and kills


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