Thursday 8 August 2013

The Right Moment #1 Khargra Yar-Gul Fan Fiction.

Khargra awoken, hands bound, ragged clothes, wounds open. She felt moving, she was on a carriage with.. Ulfric Stormcloak?!?! wait, what's he doing here? 
"I see you've awoken," A voice said, "I'm Ralof." 
Ralof was a stormcloak, I guess no imperials tried to cross borders. Anyway, Khargra was looking at the citizens of Helgen, they looked so happy, staring at us. Helgen was a nice village, small houses, shops, everything in there. 

Khargra analyzed her surroundings, as the carriage came to the stop she was off, A man from Rorikstead was first in line to get called, but he didn't. He made a run for it, the imperial captain gestured for the archers to hit, so they did. They hit him in his back, slowly enough to see him down. Khargra had second thoughts, but as soon as she got called up,
"Khargra Yar-Gul." She told the woman, the woman looked like a redguard wearing chief imperial Armour, she was stern her eyes looked into your soul, she was inscribing down names for her list. I guess she's the one who chooses who dies.
"Go on ahead Khargra." The female redguard directed her towards an area. She was standing next to Ralof, and was watching a female monk speak a prayer. The woman stopped and someone was lying on a board, A man increases the height of his battleaxe and lowering it slowly, Bam! a mans head fell into a basket and blood spurted out of his lifeless body. It was Khargra's go and soon, she faced her fate.

Khagra laid down, it was hard, splinters too. She watched as the man raised his axe and nearly hit with full speed ahead, Suddenly the ground started to shake and a shady figure appeared and started to.. breath fire!?!. What?. Ralof ran and picked up Khargra, her wounds hurt, she was scared. Ralof carried her to a watchtour and laid her down on the blanket. Other wounded soldiers were there too, 
"I'll get help, stay here." He told her.
Khargra didn't want to listen, as soon as he left the watchtour she ripped some rag material off the bloody rags and wrapped her wounds, she stepped up the stairs and jumped out the window. Khargra fell onto the hard ground and crawled out of a house. Burnt corpses everywhere, a strange man came over and helped her up.
"I'm Hadvar, an imperial," He told her "Come with me if you want to live." 
He gave Khargra a hand and then leaded her into a cave.
" Here let me help you." He said, cutting her hands loose from bound. 
Khargra searched around but she did pick up a sword, some stormcloak Armour and a health potion.

After fighting many hours through the cave she eventually made it out safe.

You sons and daughters of skyrim just got through of my first ever fan fiction. Thanks for reading :)   

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