Friday 23 August 2013

Fan fic #3 - The way to go

Khargra awoke, she looked around with her vision foggy, She couldn't notice anything except for a tall, broad figure upon her, she couldn't see anything from her left eye,
"I see you've awoke," A voice said, "I brought you here from your trip to bleak falls barrow, you seem to handle yourself quite well, As for me, I need to introduce myself, I am Arnbjorn." He informed her, she could finally see around the room, it was light, with a lot of beds, kind of like a shelter. 
"and I'm Haelga, once your better, your out, other people need these beds too you know, " A woman said to me, Arnbjorn and Haelga started arguing, Khargra made it out of bed, dressed in ragged robes she gave Haelga 10 septims and left.

Out in Riften Khargra saw many merchants and stores Khargra saw an orphanage too, but she ignored the city and left,
"Wait up, Orc!" Someone shouted, it was Arnbjorn,
Khargra felt slight offended but stopped and turned, in the distance she saw him running. As he came up to her he handed her something, it was a falmer blood elixir
"Here, Haelga gave it to me, it's yours now." He told Khargra,
Khargra kept walking and took her carriage to Solitude, there she would stay.

When she finally arrived she felt a brisk wind behind her she kept walking and entered,
"You have disobeyed General Tullius and the Imperials, You will now pay." An excursionist said, as he increased the height of his axe, Khargra witnessed this before and didn't want it to happen again,
"Stop!" She yelled, "Let him go or take me!" She yelled to them
The generals started coming towards her as she made a 'run' gesture towards this Nordic man, he ran and so did she, Khargra followed him and ran out the Solitude gate, she put a sword in between it so they couldn't get her or him.
"Come on.. to Katla's farm," She informed him, "We will find beds and food there."
As they entered Katla's farm they smelt a warm sense,
"Hello my dear Khargra, oh and I see you've brought a friend, well, what can I do for you?" Katla asked, 
"This is my friend, we need a place to stay, we cannot go back into Solitude and we need food," Khargra whispered, 
"Oh I'm sure we can come to an arrangement dear.. You can stay in the stables with your 'friend' and I'll get Alesan to bring you your daily meals and snacks anything else just talk to me," Katla explained, she introduced Alesan to them and he showed her where they were staying,
Khargra set down to sleep, after all it was a big Morndas .   

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