Friday 9 August 2013

Skyrim Tag #2

Hello Dovah's,
What time is it? oh, right, time for another question tag :D
Sorry about not posting, i've been obsessed with the telltale walking dead game, Duck ♥♥ anyway, where were we? Oh tag, right. Okay, I was cruising on DeviantArt and found a 'meme' and thought thats perfect for a tag :).

1. Welcome to the cold land of skyrim, please introduce your character!
Name: Khargra Yar-Gul
Race: Orc
Age: 19
Class: Mage
2. Troubled beginnings.. Why was your Dovah captured in the first place.
Because I stole some mead.. 
3. Now tell us what your Dovah is good at
Smithing, Enchanting, One handed and Archery.
4. Most favorite NPC vs Least one.
Faendal is the most and Grelod the kind is the least.
5. All Dovah's enjoy loving, who does your dovah want some from?
Arnbjorn, from the dark brotherhood, and Nazir 
6. What about quests which one is your favorite?
Recipe for disaster and diplomatic immunity.
7. Factions, Factions.. which one do you prefer?
The companions one but I hate lycanthopy it messes up my player.
8. What if your oblivion/morrowind character met your Dovah (or if you play none of these, then you in real life)
Well it would be totally opposite and I would want to go live with the skyrim character.
9. What did you like most in skyrim 
The way it's in your choice and open world and medieval, ITS AN ADDICTION. But the DLCs and challenges.
10. What didn't you like?
11. Anything else? then rate the game and spread the tagging love

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