Friday 21 June 2013

Years and months

 Hey everyone,
Time for a little lesson.
This lesson is months and years :)

Now, we all know when Ulfric murdered the high king 'with his voice' do we remember recalling what month that was. Or when we thought evening star was december and we would sneak away from our family in Dragon Bridge and swim away from a hard slavery mill (cringes ^.^)

So put down your morning/night/evening/afternoon cup of joe/tea/coffee or whatever your doing. Grab a notebook and write down.

Northern Hemisphere Months:
Morning Star - This is basically January for us. 
Suns Dawn- February, although i dont think they have leap years 
First seed - March
Rains hand- April
Second seed- May
Mid year- June
Suns height- July
Last seed- August 
Heartfire- September
Frostfall- October
Suns dusk- November
Evening Star- December.

Southern hemisphere months:
Suns height- Janruary
Last seed- February
Heartfire- March
Frostfall- April
Suns dusk- May
Evening star- June
Morning star- July
Suns dawn- August
First seed- September
Rains hand- October
Second seed- November
Mid year- December.

Basically the years are 360 days and 12 months. 
Thanks, :) 

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