Tuesday 27 December 2016

Should you get the new version of Skyrim?

Should you get the new version of Skyrim?

Greetings fellow travellers, as the new version of Skyrim has been out for two whole months, I've decided to make a post comparing the old to new version of the game, if you're wondering whether or not to toss the money over to buy it, please read ahead. 

Is the new version really that different from the old version?

I've been an avid fan since 2012 and I've replayed Skyrim SO many times so if there was anything new, I probably would notice it, it is said that we get new environments, characters, quests and more but I've been playing the game for around a month and I haven't found any of them, the only improvement I have seen are the graphics to the game but apart from that, the old and new are pretty much alike, not to mention having the new one EXTREMELY buggy, I've had it jam on me, the sound fall out for a few minutes then come back and it boots me out to the home screen of the console I play on without any warning, but in all honesty the old one had it's fair share of bugs too. If you don't really mind about the graphics and don't really mind about the new stuff, then you don't have too much to worry about purchasing it. 

Aside from the graphics I have noticed some features being added to it, such as mods, if you have an online connection and you are a console gamer, then you can download mods for your game! There is a warning though, the mods do stop the achievements, but if you don't mind that then I think it is an excellent feature to the game, it also seperates your profile saves into "mods" and having no mods. Another feature I picked up was the option to quicksave, when I played it back on the old console, I didn't have the quicksave option and sometimes my saving would jam in between, but the option of quicksaving lets you go into the menu and just click the required button and exit, it's like autosaving but "quicker".

In my opinion: The new Skyrim is totally worth it, but it's up to you! 
Personally I love the updates and the bugs will get fixed, but I wanted to draw out a little comparision between the two. 

Much <3 -Dragonborn.

P.S In like a few days it's 2017, so that means 4 years of this blog running!!! 

Friday 16 September 2016

Skyrim is being re-released and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

So, as this title states, the new edition of Skyrim is coming out again as a "HD remaster" (I believe) and all I can say is that I am...


But at the same time, I don't know what to expect, are we promised new missions? new characters? whilst I am all for a new storyline (well - slightly improved) I feel that the most that we're getting is the HD graphics, yes - for non-PC players and those who cannot mod console (like myself), that will be beneficial, but to those who have Skyrim on PC or are able to mod their console, there are heaps of modifications that you can download for the game on the Nexus website. Maybe we do get some more missions and characters, which will be refreshing and some new features that we did not get with the old Skyrim. 

I don't know, I'd say I am pretty pumped for the new game but at the same time we don't know what to expect.

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below. 

Friday 19 February 2016

Confessions of a gamer.

Well, I wonder what took me so long, this post was originally meant to be posted in July of 2013..3 years later I manage to finish the post. It's not a Skyrim post but it is one I had fun with.

(Doesn't this title remind you of third grade powerpoint work with wordart?)

1. When I lose a game I get really angry and it once resulted in my DS forming a black hole because I accidentally bit it.
2. I wish I was living in a Skyrim world. It seems so much better than the real world.
3. When I play Saints Row/GTA I like to make a roleplay with the characters and drive around.
4. I love airports, the Saints Row 2 airport was accessible so I spent hours in there.
5. My favourite game is Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, I'm willing to pay $70 for a W7 key to downgrade and play it.
6. I like to use the scrapbook option in the Sims 3 and pretend it's their diary.
7. I started playing Video Games at 2, my first game was Max Payne 2 and then Mafia, I would be so scared of the enemies and would only play around.
8. When I played Fallout 4, I was so upset with the ending.
9. I used to spend my life on Skyrim playing around, I had collected amethysts in the game and store them around my house. I would also "Make" dinner and put it on the table...you could say I was part-time warrior, part-time housewife.
10. Once in Skyrim, I accidentally married someone and I didn't like them...So I decided to "cut" all ties with them.

I hope you guys like this post. I would continue to do more if I get positive feedback from this one. 


Welcome New + Old Dragonborns.

Why hello there.
If you are reading my blog for the first time, welcome.
Take a look around in the old posts but first, let me give you a summary.

I created this blog, All About Skyrim, in 2013 as that was the year where blogging was everything to me. 

All About Skyrim is a blog, well, all about the game skyrim, which is the best game ever in my opinion. 

Here you will find posts such as, houses, mission details, things about characters, fun things I have found and comparisons between games.

My last post was in 2014. It is now 2016 and AAS shall live on!

please give it a follow, it would mean everything to me. 


Tuesday 23 September 2014


Hey ladies and germs,
I cannot believe it, logging into this blog after what seems a lifetime but only a few months and seeing close to 1000 views is amazing! There are so many of you I wish to thank, skyrim has been a great obsession of mine and it's amazing that within the year I shared it with you, I was only expecting a view but comparing that to 1000, So my congratulatory speech is this,
I want ALL of you to feel so proud of yourselves, the only thing I want you to take from this is, KEEP SKYRIMMING :D
Ps I am back :)

Monday 26 May 2014

Fanfiction on Wattpad

HeyHey, I have finally got my own wattpad and uploaded a skyrim fanfiction with 4 chapters up!, if you want to check it out just go to xxDragonBornxx user on wattpad and go to the Diary Of Khargra Yar-Gul :)
Thanks So Much for the support and I apprieciate each and every one of you.

Monday 26 August 2013


Dovah's we've hit 200 views! 
at first I thought no one was looking at this blog but I check the stats everyday we are WORLDWIDE
two biggest accomplishments in history of my blog,

As a thank you present I am going to ask 'YOU' what you want the tag/topic or anything to be next! basically a make your own post, leave your details in the comments down below :)

Thanks, Dragonborn.

P.s I love all you for doing this, it's basically like we walked 7000 high hrothgar steps