Monday 26 August 2013


Dovah's we've hit 200 views! 
at first I thought no one was looking at this blog but I check the stats everyday we are WORLDWIDE
two biggest accomplishments in history of my blog,

As a thank you present I am going to ask 'YOU' what you want the tag/topic or anything to be next! basically a make your own post, leave your details in the comments down below :)

Thanks, Dragonborn.

P.s I love all you for doing this, it's basically like we walked 7000 high hrothgar steps

Friday 23 August 2013

Fan fic #3 - The way to go

Khargra awoke, she looked around with her vision foggy, She couldn't notice anything except for a tall, broad figure upon her, she couldn't see anything from her left eye,
"I see you've awoke," A voice said, "I brought you here from your trip to bleak falls barrow, you seem to handle yourself quite well, As for me, I need to introduce myself, I am Arnbjorn." He informed her, she could finally see around the room, it was light, with a lot of beds, kind of like a shelter. 
"and I'm Haelga, once your better, your out, other people need these beds too you know, " A woman said to me, Arnbjorn and Haelga started arguing, Khargra made it out of bed, dressed in ragged robes she gave Haelga 10 septims and left.

Out in Riften Khargra saw many merchants and stores Khargra saw an orphanage too, but she ignored the city and left,
"Wait up, Orc!" Someone shouted, it was Arnbjorn,
Khargra felt slight offended but stopped and turned, in the distance she saw him running. As he came up to her he handed her something, it was a falmer blood elixir
"Here, Haelga gave it to me, it's yours now." He told Khargra,
Khargra kept walking and took her carriage to Solitude, there she would stay.

When she finally arrived she felt a brisk wind behind her she kept walking and entered,
"You have disobeyed General Tullius and the Imperials, You will now pay." An excursionist said, as he increased the height of his axe, Khargra witnessed this before and didn't want it to happen again,
"Stop!" She yelled, "Let him go or take me!" She yelled to them
The generals started coming towards her as she made a 'run' gesture towards this Nordic man, he ran and so did she, Khargra followed him and ran out the Solitude gate, she put a sword in between it so they couldn't get her or him.
"Come on.. to Katla's farm," She informed him, "We will find beds and food there."
As they entered Katla's farm they smelt a warm sense,
"Hello my dear Khargra, oh and I see you've brought a friend, well, what can I do for you?" Katla asked, 
"This is my friend, we need a place to stay, we cannot go back into Solitude and we need food," Khargra whispered, 
"Oh I'm sure we can come to an arrangement dear.. You can stay in the stables with your 'friend' and I'll get Alesan to bring you your daily meals and snacks anything else just talk to me," Katla explained, she introduced Alesan to them and he showed her where they were staying,
Khargra set down to sleep, after all it was a big Morndas .   

Friday 9 August 2013

Fan fic #2 Escape for riverwood

Khargra made a safe exit with Hadvar and started walking to the town.
"When we get there, talk with Hod." Hadvar explained. 
Khargra and Hadvar got there easily, Hadvar talked to Hod and Khargra talked to Gerdur, Gerdur gave her the key to her house so she could take anything from it, Khargra got a nice pair of clothes and went to the Riverwood Trader.
Inside the trader was Lucan Valerius, he seemed to be in a fight with his sister Camilla Valerius, I can now see why Faendal and Sven were in a row. 
"Ah, a customer, " Lucan said, "are you an adventurer," He asked her.
"I wish," Khargra told him," why?"
"I need someone to go into Bleak Falls Barrow, To 'collect' a golden claw, would you mind? But you'd need this." He told her as he handed her a sword. 
Khargra nodded and then left the trader. 

Khargra was finally at the ruins, they were shady. Someone shot at her! She looked around,    It was a dark area, "help!,someone!." A voice shouted .
Khargra found an area. Covered in webs,eggs and sap. She analysed the area, What.. Was that noise?!. It's a FROSTBITE SPIDER, Khargra hit it and hit it, the only thing she got was poisened. Khargra started to feel ill but then slashed one of its legs off, 
"Over here, cut me down. I give you claw." A strange figure said. 
Khargra started to chop off each web one by one but then she got a hint of suspicion, something was not right. Khargra instead cut him down and chased him, after she got close enough she shoved the iron sword through his back, enough to hear the crack. She started to go through his inventory, and picked up the claw. But she heard something, it stunned her. They looked like zombies with their green skin and Armour. 
'This must be the nords from the book!' she thought. Reflecting back to when she was young, Khargra's friends used to tell each other stories and she was told this one, Oh well.
Khargra started slicing, and ran but hit something and Ouch!, she was hit by spikes on a gate, she started to bleed. Thinking she would never make it out, she ran to an empty corner and passed out. 

The end of fan fic #2 sorry it was a little short but keep posted :)
By the way we've nearly hit 60 Australian pageviews and 40 US views :D

Skyrim Tag #2

Hello Dovah's,
What time is it? oh, right, time for another question tag :D
Sorry about not posting, i've been obsessed with the telltale walking dead game, Duck ♥♥ anyway, where were we? Oh tag, right. Okay, I was cruising on DeviantArt and found a 'meme' and thought thats perfect for a tag :).

1. Welcome to the cold land of skyrim, please introduce your character!
Name: Khargra Yar-Gul
Race: Orc
Age: 19
Class: Mage
2. Troubled beginnings.. Why was your Dovah captured in the first place.
Because I stole some mead.. 
3. Now tell us what your Dovah is good at
Smithing, Enchanting, One handed and Archery.
4. Most favorite NPC vs Least one.
Faendal is the most and Grelod the kind is the least.
5. All Dovah's enjoy loving, who does your dovah want some from?
Arnbjorn, from the dark brotherhood, and Nazir 
6. What about quests which one is your favorite?
Recipe for disaster and diplomatic immunity.
7. Factions, Factions.. which one do you prefer?
The companions one but I hate lycanthopy it messes up my player.
8. What if your oblivion/morrowind character met your Dovah (or if you play none of these, then you in real life)
Well it would be totally opposite and I would want to go live with the skyrim character.
9. What did you like most in skyrim 
The way it's in your choice and open world and medieval, ITS AN ADDICTION. But the DLCs and challenges.
10. What didn't you like?
11. Anything else? then rate the game and spread the tagging love

Thursday 8 August 2013

The Right Moment #1 Khargra Yar-Gul Fan Fiction.

Khargra awoken, hands bound, ragged clothes, wounds open. She felt moving, she was on a carriage with.. Ulfric Stormcloak?!?! wait, what's he doing here? 
"I see you've awoken," A voice said, "I'm Ralof." 
Ralof was a stormcloak, I guess no imperials tried to cross borders. Anyway, Khargra was looking at the citizens of Helgen, they looked so happy, staring at us. Helgen was a nice village, small houses, shops, everything in there. 

Khargra analyzed her surroundings, as the carriage came to the stop she was off, A man from Rorikstead was first in line to get called, but he didn't. He made a run for it, the imperial captain gestured for the archers to hit, so they did. They hit him in his back, slowly enough to see him down. Khargra had second thoughts, but as soon as she got called up,
"Khargra Yar-Gul." She told the woman, the woman looked like a redguard wearing chief imperial Armour, she was stern her eyes looked into your soul, she was inscribing down names for her list. I guess she's the one who chooses who dies.
"Go on ahead Khargra." The female redguard directed her towards an area. She was standing next to Ralof, and was watching a female monk speak a prayer. The woman stopped and someone was lying on a board, A man increases the height of his battleaxe and lowering it slowly, Bam! a mans head fell into a basket and blood spurted out of his lifeless body. It was Khargra's go and soon, she faced her fate.

Khagra laid down, it was hard, splinters too. She watched as the man raised his axe and nearly hit with full speed ahead, Suddenly the ground started to shake and a shady figure appeared and started to.. breath fire!?!. What?. Ralof ran and picked up Khargra, her wounds hurt, she was scared. Ralof carried her to a watchtour and laid her down on the blanket. Other wounded soldiers were there too, 
"I'll get help, stay here." He told her.
Khargra didn't want to listen, as soon as he left the watchtour she ripped some rag material off the bloody rags and wrapped her wounds, she stepped up the stairs and jumped out the window. Khargra fell onto the hard ground and crawled out of a house. Burnt corpses everywhere, a strange man came over and helped her up.
"I'm Hadvar, an imperial," He told her "Come with me if you want to live." 
He gave Khargra a hand and then leaded her into a cave.
" Here let me help you." He said, cutting her hands loose from bound. 
Khargra searched around but she did pick up a sword, some stormcloak Armour and a health potion.

After fighting many hours through the cave she eventually made it out safe.

You sons and daughters of skyrim just got through of my first ever fan fiction. Thanks for reading :)   

Wednesday 31 July 2013

5 simple things (suprise at the end)

Good Evening,
I am going to share with you so easier things if skyrim xbox 360 is to hard. So here we go.

1. Keep below level 10 for the whole main story line,
This is a HUGE thing that I learnt, It's easy because at the end level in Skuldufn normally to get the *SPOILER* diamond claw you need to fight a deathlord, but I was on Level 5 and it was only an overlord. 

2. Adjust difficulty.
You start on Adept, set it to Novice and all your problems are solved aka. Nahkirin only has half health normally he has full, I can kill enemies easily now!

3.  Level off your weight,
Organise your belongings, Apparel, Weapons, Jewellry, Ect.
Into a chest,end table.

4. Hidden Chests,
You might search on youtube how to find these but HOLD TIGHT for a day, I'm going to do a post on the locations and hidden chests,

5. Try and not buy so many houses. If you do DON'T store items in it until you move,
This is a good one. If you follow step 3 and have your belongings into a chest, wardrobe, ect and you JUST bought a new house. Don't fret. Just slowly move all your items into the new preffered one to stop confusion.

I'm teaching you how to easily kill Astrid.
(1) Make sure your difficulty is novice and a medium level (10 the max). (2) Dont choose anyone to kill instead walk up to her and (3) Use your Unrelenting Force shout A.k.A Fus roh dah and keep using it. Also equip a (Damage high) Axe, or sword. Nothing Heavy though 15 at max (4) Keep hitting her when she is on the ground and when she is up just keep circling her (Running away) until your shout bar is ready again. (5) Repeat until Dead.


First off let me just congratulate.
People this is a moment we've all been waiting for.
All About Skyrim has...

I would love to thank you, You Dovah's who read my blog and support me everyday when I post.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Skyrim questions tag

Hey, I've decided to make a questions tag. SKYRIM questions tag. 
1 What was your first character and why.
A breton. Because I didnt know that this game was going to be so epic mind you, I only played it once back then (2011). So I chose it because of the human-like features.

2. What was your character's features and name. (Face re-make or non)
Kim, I didnt know of all the medieval names either so I chose Kim, pretty bad huh? She was the thinnest weight, She had red hair and that long hair the the plait thingys I kept her with that until I saw a guy wearing it. So therefore I got a face remake and now im pale, black hair, warrior scar. Kinda like a bad snow white.

3. Do you have kids, who and why.
I have two. Hroar from the orphanage and Lucia. Hroar because he's a lil cutie, Lucia because I saw her begging. But now I wish mods existed on xbox.

4. What is your most favorite weapon?
Dawnbreaker or a shiv. 

5. Imperial or stormcloak.
Stormcloak. The outfits are just so amazing. 

5. Thieves guild or dark brotherhood?
Dark Brotherhood, only because of the 20k coin.

6.Shameful collections?
Books. The ones that are like 2290 Frostfall 7F. 
Ingredients. SKOOMA :P, mead, wine. Yeah.. I have to get through the night haha.

7. Favourite house?
Orc PLEASE! (see what I did there). I build mah houses :) Nah um, probably Vindrel Hall in Markarth.

8.Favorite Food, Clothing, Person, Kid, Race, Hobby.
Vegetables (Imma be a healthy), Jesters clothes/novice hood, Astrid and Naziir , Aventus Arenteno, Orc, Hunting, (Family stuff).

9. Vampire or Dawnguard.
Vampire, they have so many advantages and kills


Friday 21 June 2013


 Hey guys,
Once again, It's me and i've come to teach you about. Adoption.
Most of you have the hearthfire DLC? 
Well, It lets you adopt kids, Build a house, Housecarls.
Anyway, Can't Decide Who To Adopt. Look Below. Remember to follow.

Remember if you want to adopt you have to kill Grelod for a quest

Honourhall Orphanage Kids.

This kid doesn't have a story but has some pretty awesome lines.
Stating he was named after a lion. 
He also mentions he will be the 'best kid ever'
Hroar is adoptable after innocence lost.

Francois Beaufort
This one mentions that his parents have dropped him off and promised to come back for him and still has hope.
He is a breton
Francois B. 

Runa-Fair Shield
Runa states that she is fast, quick and can do any chore you want.
Runa feels like its unfair because the boys make her do everything after Aventus left
She is a Nord.
is adoptable after innocence lost

Samuel is an Imperial
Samuel states that is mother died when he was born and his father left them.
Samuel is the leader
is adoptable after innocence lost

Now on to the kids that come with the DLC

Her mother died and her aunt and uncle kicked her out when they moved in at her mothers farm.
She is now begging on the streets. 
Can be given a septim
Can be adoptable without innocene lost
In whiterun near the gildergreen

His parents were killed so Katla took him in as a worker.
He is an imperial
He is located at Katla's farm near Solitude

She sells flowers to defend herself.
Her parents were stormcloaks and are dead.
She sleeps on the cold floor outside of Nirenyes house.
this child is the most poor out of all. I would adopt.
She is a nord also

He is a redguard.
He works for the miners in Dawnstar
His father and him were on a boat with the crew. Later on his father died.
He is in Dawnstar near the second smelter.

Now for the kids that are POSSIBLE to adopt if their parents are killed
She is found in Skaal Village in Solstheim making her adoptable ONLY if the DLC dragonborn installed
She is a nord
Her parents Oslaf and Finna must be killed for her to be at the orphanage in a few days.

Lives in Whiterun
is a bully to the others
She has a quest given by Lars.
Her parents Amren and Saffir must be killed to adopt

Britte lives in Rorikstead and abuses her sister Sissel
Her father Lemkil has to be killed for her and Sissel to be adopted.
She has no mother

Years and months

 Hey everyone,
Time for a little lesson.
This lesson is months and years :)

Now, we all know when Ulfric murdered the high king 'with his voice' do we remember recalling what month that was. Or when we thought evening star was december and we would sneak away from our family in Dragon Bridge and swim away from a hard slavery mill (cringes ^.^)

So put down your morning/night/evening/afternoon cup of joe/tea/coffee or whatever your doing. Grab a notebook and write down.

Northern Hemisphere Months:
Morning Star - This is basically January for us. 
Suns Dawn- February, although i dont think they have leap years 
First seed - March
Rains hand- April
Second seed- May
Mid year- June
Suns height- July
Last seed- August 
Heartfire- September
Frostfall- October
Suns dusk- November
Evening Star- December.

Southern hemisphere months:
Suns height- Janruary
Last seed- February
Heartfire- March
Frostfall- April
Suns dusk- May
Evening star- June
Morning star- July
Suns dawn- August
First seed- September
Rains hand- October
Second seed- November
Mid year- December.

Basically the years are 360 days and 12 months. 
Thanks, :) 

Thursday 20 June 2013


A Elder scroll fan?! You?!, stop and read ahead :D
This blog will remain active and try our best to get followers and comments even though I have none now, we still have over 100 views, That's a start :D.

I'm not so great at introductions, but welcome, here I tend to post anything related to TESV: Skyrim, I am an avid Skyrim fan and LOVE playing the game, thank you for coming along with me in this journey and hopefully we can continue it further.
Love -D